IEEE Provenance
GIDA supports efforts to recognise and support Indigenous rights and interests in data. The IEEE Recommended Practice for the Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data is the first example of a standard being developed for Indigenous Peoples’ data. We expect this to be the first of many standards created to support the implementation of principles for Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Indigenous Data Governance. We acknowledge the active participation of Indigenous members in the process to develop the Recommended Practice and the desire to consult widely with Indigenous communities.
Indigenous registrants (or those working for Indigenous communities) who participated in the webinar consultation process received a link to access the draft IEEE P2890 document and a feedback form. Indigenous People are invited to access this series of webinars and to contribute feedback to GIDA.
A second consultation webinar was held on June 28 2023 at 10 pm (UTC).
Below is a link to a recording of the first consultation webinar. You will also be able to view the slides here.
Recording of the first consultation webinar on Draft Recommended Practice
Privacy Statement:
GIDA will collect the following information: name, email, country, Indigenous affiliation, organization and/or community; to be used for the following purposes: We will use these data to verify that a real person is giving feedback, that that person is Indigenous or is an authorized representative of an Indigenous community. We will also use the data to assess geographic representation, enabling us to reach out to unrepresented geographies. We may also use email addresses to seek further clarification on feedback that the individual provided. We will not be sharing your individual information with any third parties. Only collated data on Nation-State will be included as part of IEEE reporting process.
Consultation on IEEE P2890 Recommended Practice on Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data
After over 3 years of deliberation, discussion, and drafting, the Indigenous Data Working Group at IEEE is honored to present a draft of Recommended Practice for the Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data for consultation.
The Recommended Practice for the Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data establishes a common set of parameters for the provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ data. This Recommended Practice supports appropriate disclosure of Indigenous Peoples’ relationships and/or links to all data. Provenance of Indigenous Peoples’ Data includes information that facilitates Indigenous Peoples’ governance, decision-making, participation, collaboration, and engagement in and for current and future uses of Indigenous Peoples’ data. This Recommended Practice is intended to facilitate the interoperability of provenance fields among different information platforms and databases and to support the disclosure and use of Indigenous Peoples’ data.
The purpose of the consultation phase is to get feedback on the Recommended Practice. While the Recommended Practice is normally only available for comment by IEEE members, we have adopted a more expansive consultation process where the Recommended Practice is also available upon request by Indigenous people, communities, organisations that are IEEE members or non-members.
We welcome your thoughts and feedback on Recommended Practice.